Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last year during Halloween, I visited a friend that had a countdown Halloween tree. I searched everywhere for the same no avail. Two months later, among the Christmas trees, was a small purple tree. Perfect!
I remember telling my sweetheart of my plan..."First, I will use it at Halloween, then Christmas, then Valentine's Day, and finally I will use it for Easter too!" To be honest, I think he thought I was stretching the tree idea a bit far, but it was his uncertainly of whether a one-year project could be completed that kept me motivated! (Thanks, Honey, for the motivation!!!) So, one year later...our tiny purple tree has posed for a countdown for all four Holidays, and I am happy to announce I have completed four holidays worth of activities....
The Valentine's countdown focused on love scriptures, and we talked about what it meant to show love to those around us. The Easter countdown focused on Christ. We read scriptures, watched movies, and did fun simple activities all centered on Christ. Finally, Halloween has arrived, and our countdown went something like this....

I absolutely love how these activities provide "planned family fun"; however, I also think too much of a good thing, can change it into some less desirable. We have had to talk about what it means to not "expect" to do things, or "expect" to get things, which, to be honest, has been a good lesson. All in all, my kids absolutely look forward to the family time, and to tell the truth...building relationships with each other makes all the effort worth it!!!

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