Sunday, November 1, 2009

GRATITUDE...I think showing gratitude is a talent...a talent I hope to obtain someday!
Cicero once said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."
Today is the first day of November. It is a month of thanksgiving. It is my goal, to speak more often of my gratitude, and so with that in mind, I would like to share a story....
This morning while I was showering, one of the shampoo bottles fell onto the shower floor. Two seconds later, my eternal companion groggily entered the bathroom with eyes squinting in the light. His purpose--to check on my safety.
This same scenario replays weekly in our home, and I have come to some conclusions:
1. I need to be better about not knocking down the shampoo bottles.
2. I am grateful to a husband who loves me! I am grateful to this small random act of kindness. My heart grows each time this occurs. My heart grows in my love for my husband, and his goodness to me, and it grows in my desire to administer random acts of kindness.
Thank you, dear Bryan...once again for teaching me about kindness!

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