Saturday, November 14, 2009

DAY 4 & 5

Dearest Family,
I have not been able to write since leaving for London on Friday. Jill and I just got back to Paris tonight, and I have been dying to write you a note...
London truly is an amazing city! We had so much fun!! On Friday we toured Hyde Park, Preacher's Corner, Kennsington Palace, Kennsington Park, and we rode on the Big Bus Tour of the city. We left the Big Bus Tour at the Victoria Theater, and we watched WICKED!!! It was so neat! I absolutely loved it! I want to take you guys when it comes back to Salt Lake...I had so much fun! On Saturday we were crazy! We woke up early so we could hit all the major sights in London. We visited the London Tower, the Eye, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster, the Thames River Cruise, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the House of Parliament. We were definitely on a mission to see the sights of London. We were a bit disappointed that we were unable to visit the temple; however, all in all we had a great time, and by the end of the day, we were satisfied with our accomplishments!
I am having such a fabulous time in Europe. I wouldn't ever trade this experience...words can't describe how grateful I am. With that being said, I do miss all of you--I wish I could have packed you in my suitcase, and although I am looking forward to seeing the sights in Rome, I am also looking forward to seeing the sights at home.
Home truly is a blessing! To my eternal companion...I am so blessed to have you. You are my best friend, and every night I am away from you is difficult. Oh, how I miss you! I can't wait to hold you and kiss you again. To my dear Hailey...I miss your upbeat happy, optimistic self! I can't wait to be crowned with one of your smiles. To my sweet Amber...I miss your hugs...your big bear hugs that I get when you really need a hug...I miss those, and I am expecting one as soon as I am home! To my Jakey...I miss laughing with you. You make me smile, and I am looking forward to laughing with you when I get home. I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life! Thank you for giving me this gift of Europe, but most of all, thank you for giving me the gift of you! I love you!!
Love, Wifey and Mom


Bryan said...

Mom, We miss you. Your kids want to send you some messages.

From Hailey: Mom, I love you and we like your notes on the computer. When we see you on Skype, it makes us happy. Can't wait until you get home.

From Amber: Mom, I really bad want to see you when you come home. Did you see any big castles? Are you having fun? I love you Mommy.

From Jacob: Momma, I love you. I love you. Come home. I love you. Cars.

From Dad: I love you and I am glad you are having a good time. Don't worry about us. We are fine and the insurance agent said all the damage is covered. I can't wait to hug and hold you too. I am glad you and I are thinking on the same page. It is not usually your style to have those thoughts, so it must be good you want to shout it out on your blog. It must be all those romantic Frenchmen getting to you. Whatever work! Can't wait to see you Tuesday.

Carrie Miller said...