Monday, April 30, 2012

My wedding day was the best day of my life. It was the day that I was sealed to my best friend for Time and for Eternity. It was the beginning of forever with my perfect match, and the beginning of our family we would share. Since our wedding day, we have been blessed with three beautiful children, experiences have filled our hearts, and love abounds in our home. Our story continues, and because it is so very sweet, I wanted to celebrate in a BIG way. I wanted my children to understand that the reason my wedding day was the best day of my life was not only because I was marrying the man of my dreams, but also because I chose to be married in the temple. I also wanted my sweet husband to know just how much means is to me, and that he is the reason it was the best day of my life! 

13 Gifts for Our 13th Anniversary:
These events have already occurred; however, I want to remember them always, so here is a re-enactment of our ANNIVERSARY!!
The first three gifts represents us tying the knot.
We "tied" the "knot" 13 years ago. I am so blessed to have you as my husband! To celebrate our 13 years, I wanted to relate our marriage to KNOTS, and our love being bound together and secure--just like the knots in the following descriptions. Each definition not only describes the knot itself, but our marriage, and a portion of our marriage that makes us who we are!

Gift #1: A square knot. This knot is made from TWO half hitch knots.
The TWO of us make our marriage secure. One of my favorite things about our marriage is that the TWO of us work hard at our spirituality. The TWO of us chose to be married in the temple, which has created an eternal family. That has remained a priority, which blesses our home and our marriage.
For this portion of our date, we will be "driving" to the one place that is as close to Heaven as we can get...the temple--where we were sealed for TIME and for ALL ETERNITY.


Twin Falls Temple
...not the temple we were married in, but a close alternative. I felt the spirit so strong as we performed sealings. Tears were my constant companion as I reflected on the work we were doing, and on our own marriage. I felt so blessed!

After the temple, we took our kids and their cousins to Shoshone Falls. I loved having our children with us just after spending time at the temple--it completed my feelings.

Gift #2: A Bowline Knot. A knot used to form a loop that neither slips not jams.
Neither one of us SLIP in our marriage. We are a team. I absolutely adore you. One of my favorite things about our relationship is the fun times we can share. For this portion of our date, we will simply enjoy each other's company.
I had so much fun running through the park shooting Nerf guns. My stomach hurt because I laughed so much...or maybe because I had to run so much to get away from you, was because I had to chase you, because you were running from me :)!

Gift #3: Half Hitch Knot. Specifically a binding knot or hitch knot; although the half hitch is a knot in its own right, it is rarely used alone.
We are never alone. We are two. We always have been, and we always will be. For this portion of our date, we will be reminded of the love we share as we share a romantic evening drinking Sparkling Cider.
Half Hitch Knot
The second portion to our anniversary actually occurred on our anniversary. (The date portion of our anniversary was on the Saturday prior to our anniversary.) Bryan went to work with 8 gifts, which he opened every other hour on the 13th of the hour (representing our 13th anniversary and bringing the gift total up to 11).

When Bryan arrived home, there were 13 balloons, and hanging from the balloons were memories symbolizing the best of moments we have shared. (Bringing the gift total to 12).

For the final gift, I made a collage of all of our memories. When I brought home the pictures and the collage--I cried. I felt so grateful for the blessings of my life. I felt so at peace with my family, and my love for my husband. Through the years, there have been tears, but there have also been great joy. I know my joy is because of our faith in Jesus Christ, and our continual striving to follow Him, and to do His will. I am so grateful.


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