Monday, April 2, 2012

The week of Easter is one of my favorite weeks of the year. A few years ago we started a tradition where we commemorate the Savior's last week. We celebrate the triumphal entry, the last supper, and the cleansing of the temple. We learn about the betrayal of Jesus, Gethsamane, and the crucifixtion. We spend an entire week focused on Christ and His teachings.

This tradition has become a "favorite" in our home. Our children ask about it throughout the year. They count the days down just like any child does for a birthday, or Christmas. Easter has become a focus of good in their minds, and not just because of the Easter Bunny, but because their spirits have been touched through Christ. Sure, we still include the Easter Bunny in our celebrations, but he has definitely taken a back seat, and to be honest--I am grateful that the Savior is the focus of our celebrations.  

The first night of our "walk" begins with a discussion on the cleansing of the temple and the importance of keeping our temples clean (our home, and our bodies). For an activity we spend a few moments cleaning the house, and then we color Easter Eggs!

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