Monday, October 20, 2008

I have been serving in the Relief Society Presidency for the past year and half. I have been so blessed through this service. I have learned so much from the sisters in Relief Society. It is so difficult to put into words feelings of the heart. It is hard to explain lessons learned and cherished memories. I think when you are given the opportunity to serve with others, you are blessed to partake of their goodness, and you are able to glean from them their strengths. This chapter is closing, and a new one is opening.
I have now been called to serve as the Young Women's President. I am so grateful for this opportunity. With my whole heart and soul, I want to do the Lord's will. I already feel of His love for these dear young women, and I am so excited to serve with them, and love them as I love the Relief Society sisters. It is my prayer that I will be able to be an instrument for good in these young women's lives.

The Relief Society Presidency (those of us who knew) got to go to lunch before our release. Sister Stone and Sister Phillips were not getting released...just Heather (Sister Pruett) and I. Sister Phillips was unable to come, because she was not getting released, and we were told to keep it confidential. Sister Stone knew (of course), so she could call new counselors.
We needed this one last hurrah. I have never been so blessed as I have been while serving with these sisters. Their examples of Christ-like love uplifted me on more than one occasion. I feel grateful to have served with them.

Me and Heather Pruett (Sister Pruett)

Sister Stone and Me


Jessica said...

Wow, from one big calling to the next! I guess they don't get any harder than that!

Pruett said...

Carrie!!! You are tugging at my heart strings! I was fighting back the watering eyes while I was reading that. What a sweet, special, experience we got to share together in RS. I will always cherish our moments there! Thanks for some really good times sister!!!! I love you!