Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am: happy with who I am.
I think: a lot about my kids.
I know: I am a daughter of God.
I want: to be a better mom.
I dislike: boogers on my walls (thank you kids!).
I miss: Bryan when he is at work.
I fear: anything that could take Bryan or my kids away from me.
I feel: happy when I am with my family.
I hear: the sound of the computer.
I smell: remnants of dinner (chicken pot pie).
I crave: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
I cry: when school starts again.
I search: the YW handbook.
I wonder: about the day when I will meet God again.
I regret: not spending more time with my children.
I love: my family and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I care: for others.
I always: want to do the Lord’s will.
I worry: about my kids.
I am not: alone.
I remember: very little.
I believe: in Jesus Christ!
I dance: to “Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam” just to see Jacob laugh.
I sing: really loud with my kids!
I argue: with myself more than anyone else.
I write: a “to do” list…or else I will forget.
I win: when I listen to the spirit.
I lose: when I forget to pray.
I wish: I knew the Lord’s will for me.
I listen: to my kids’ tales about school.
I don't understand: why my husband likes Weird Al Yankovich.
I can usually be found: working on my Young Women’s “to do” list.
I am scared: of failure.
I need: more faith in myself and in my Lord.
I forget: lots of things lately (that is why I write my “to do” list).
I am happy: with my life, and my sweet family.
Now, it is my turn to tag. I tag Heather Pruett, Pam Grant, Angie Dodds, and Heather Stevenson.


Pam said...

Boogers on the wall???? Sick. And I just happen to have LOTS of reeses pb cups, and they will be coming your way. :)

Kristy said...

Congrats on your new calling!! you will absolutely LOVE yw's. I am planning my 3rd YW in Excellence...I can't believe how time flies:)

Pruett said...

very cute!!

Liz said...

Amen to your husband liking wierd Al.