Saturday, May 26, 2012

KINDERGARTEN HERE WE COME...whether we like it or notJake's last day of Preschool was this week. Although it is so fun watching him grow, I find myself sad as I contemplate how quickly time passes. I love my time with him. I LOVE him being in preschool and not in "big" school--he's home most of the time, and it's fantastic! I'm not ready for the next chapter. Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand that could freeze time. Not really...I know life is all about the process of growing up, and I would never want to take that away from my children; however, the more selfish part of me dreams of a wand. Maybe I'm a bit more sentimental, because Jake is my youngest. All I know is that as I write this post I keep swallowing a huge lump that has formed in my throat, I keep blinking back the tears that are sure to fall, and I keep wandering where all of my precious time has gone. In three short months all of my beautiful children will "officially" be in "big" school. Away from home. Away from me. And although I know the experiences they will face will build character, I can still hate it--right?

The tears have officially slid from the brims of my eyes, and are now wetting my shirt. Why does growing up have to be so hard? ...on mom too?

I love you, Jake! Congratulations on an amazing year in Preschool! You are so stinkin' smart--you're going to do great in Kindergarten!!!   
Jake at Preschool

Jake's first day of Preschool (August)

Jake was so proud of that crown!






LAST DAY OF PRESCHOOL...sniff, sniff.

Great things to always remember:
Jacob was awarded the SMILES FOR MILES AWARD.
Miss Heather said: "Jake has an incredible smile. Whenever I took photos of him, he had the biggest, brightest smile on his mouth. It was contagious! Not only did he smile for pictures, but he was smiling all the time. He always had a cheerful disposition and everybody enjoyed being around him because of it!"

In September 2011 Jake weighed 38.5 pounds, and he was 39 inches tall. In May 2012 Jake weighed 40.5 pounds, and he was 42 1/2 inches tall.

If Jake could go anywhere for vacation, he would choose to go to a beach.

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