Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Pam and JD watched our kids for almost a whole day (it was a huge favor) while Bryan and I got to go float the Payette river. When we finally arrived at Pam and JD's house to relieve them of their duties, our kids were disappointed that the "fun" was now over! They wanted to stay and play longer. Pam and JD were so nice by humoring my kids with a motorcycle ride. (Pam and JD have a "kid sized" motorcycle.) Hailey, Amber, and Jacob all had a chance to ride it with JD, and then Hailey rode it all by herself!

Amber loved riding with JD! She would have gone more if we had let her!

Hailey posing for her picture!

At first, Hailey had a hard time getting the helmet on...we finally managed! She was so cute!

It was a scary experience for Hailey to ride all by herself; however, she was insistent on trying. Daddy and JD promised to be there to catch her. They both loaded her down with information on how to use the brake, and how to give it more gas. (I think I would have been nervous after so much to remember.)When she finally took off, she did a fantastic job, and it was hard to convince her to get off!

JD also took Jakey for a ride! Look at those feet!

Pam and I were roommates together at Ricks College. I remember being scared before going to college, and praying for "good roommates". Heavenly Father not only gave me good roommates, but he also gave me lifelong friends! I am so grateful to finally live close to one of those friends! Pam means more to me than words can write! Thanks Pam for all you do!


Pam said...

Right back at ya Carrie! You're the best.

Rachael said...

I've been catching up on your blog and loved seeing your girls start school and hear all your thoughts about being a mom, it made me miss you! I'm going to have to check this more often! :)

it's fun to see your family adventures and how WAY cute your kids are. Such a beautiful family!