Monday, September 15, 2008

August 28, 2008

Amber's First Day of Preschool

On the first day of preschool, Amber was not nervous one little bit! She was so excited to finally be going to school. She kept informing me how she was no longer "little", but that she was very much a "big girl". Her only regret was that she wasn't going to Hailey's school yet! She wanted to be just like her big sister! And just like her big sister, we started the same tradition with Amber that we do with Hailey (I felt inspired to do this when Hailey went to school for a full day.)

Our tradition begins as I ask Amber, "who are you?"

She replies, "I am a child of God."

I then ask, "what does that mean?"

And she replies, "that I am a princess."

This sweet tradition has blessed my family. It is my hope that both of my girls will always remember who they are, and what that means!

Here is our second posed shot (I need to get better at taking action shots)!

One of the first days of preschool, I was watching other children, so I drove into Cathy Olaso's driveway and watched Amber walk to her door (which required Amber to walk about 50 yards down a driveway to the preschool entrance). Ever since then, Amber is almost insistent that I only "drop" her off. In fact, one day she started running away from me so she could do it all by herself. I suppose that allowing her to walk to the door by herself wouldn't be the worst thing in the would only mean that I would have to let go a little bit more, which I am not quite sure I am ready to do???


Steve said...

sniff, sniff, first always make me sad.
This is Liz not Steve!

Pam said...

that's a great tradition you guys have. She's such a cutie.