Thursday, November 8, 2012

Disneyland; Day 7

PLAZA INN; Disneyland
After a few rides in Disneyland, we started our day out by enjoying another "character breakfast" at the Plaza Inn. It was a buffet style breakfast, and it was absolutely yummy. However, the reason for dining here wasn't for the food, but rather for the company, and we were not disappointed. There was a steady stream of characters while we ate. The kids enjoyed themselves immensely, and the magic of Disneyland sparkled in their eyes.
Family Portrait as we entered the Plaza Inn

Fairy Godmother

Perla from Disney's Cinderella

Captain Hook

Captain Hook left our table; however, when Chip stopped, he quickly jumped in the picture!

Minnie Mouse

Mr. Penguin from Mary Poppins

Tigger kept coming back and posing for more pictures.

I was attacked by Tigger as he grabbed me and waited for Bryan to take a picture!

After eating at the Plaza Inn, and as we were roaming through Disneyland, we met several characters. It was a big day for Characters! My kids wanted to stop every time, and we were totally okay with it since there wasn't a line for any of them!
Madd Hatter


VANELLOPE from Wreck-it Ralph

Wreck-it Ralph

The Madd Hatter had seen Amber earlier in the day, and because she was dressed like Alice, he told her about the Tea Party he was hosting later in the day.

To begin the Tea Party, the Madd Hatter told the kids that they were going to play a game of musical chairs, but not just any game--the kids had to run around the chairs in opposite directions. Alice was the first unwinner.

...and then they had to dance like a ballerina

Jacob was the second unwinner. He was given a choice  to either tell a joke, or demonstrate a hidden talent before he exited the game. He chose to tell a joke:
Jacob: Who is a crocodile that eats some fish?
Mad Hatter: Who is a crocodile that eats some fish...?
Jacob: A Crocodile that Lives in the River

(Notice Hailey in the background with her hand on her head.)

Amber was the second unwinner.

Amber also decides to tell a joke, and here was what she said:
Amber: "Knock, Knock"
Madd Hatter: "Who's there?"
Amber: "Orange"
Madd Hatter: "Orange Who?"
Amber: "Orange"
Madd Hatter: "Orange Who?"
Amber: "Orange, Banana"
Alice: "Orange, Orange, Banana--Who?"
Madd Hatter: "Orange, Banana Who?
Who Banana?
Banana Who?
Orange, Banana, Banana Who?"
Amber: "Orange, Banana"
Madd Hatter: "Now they're multiplying. I'm so confused."
Amber giggles as she says, "Orange, Banana."

By this time, Bryan and I were laughing so hard that our cheeks burned from the constant smile, and our sides hurt from the laughter.
After Amber told her amazing joke, she was asked to stay and help Alice, because she was a miniature Alice.

After Jake had to tell a joke, another contestant decided she didn't want to play anymore, and so Jacob was invited to play once again.

Jacob gets out "again" as the third unwinner, and the Madd Hatter says, "I can't wait for this joke."
Jake: "Who eats fish that eats shark?"
Madd Hatter: "Who?"
Jake: "A Shark that Eats Fish"
Madd Hatter: Laughs... "Are the crocodiles and fish neighbors in the river?"

These two girls were extremely competitive. The Madd Hatter told them they had to get that one chair and only that chair. He then sent them to run to the edge of the dining area, and back. While they were running to the designated spot, he threw all the other chairs in with that one, so that when the girls returned, they wouldn't know where to sit. Both girls dived onto the pile of chairs, and prayed that one of them was sitting on the right chair. It was hilarious.

And then there was the TEA PARTY saved for the "winners" and the extra Alice.


And now for the tea...
 I love Hailey's face. She totally thought there would be a prize. She definitely wasn't expecting a handful of sugar...


I took the girls to the princess fantasy faire one last time, while Jacob went to Jedi Training with Bryan. Jacob wanted to be a Jedi again with all of his heart, and the girls were more interested in talking with the princesses.
Snow White was the only princess we hadn't seen, so we visited with her, and then decided to go see Jacob at the Jedi Training Center.

We had to run, but we arrived just in time for the girl's to also have the chance to be picked for training.

Sadly, Jacob wasn't picked for Jedi Training. As Jacob sat in my lap, big tears rolled down his cheeks. This was what he wanted more than anything--to do the Jedi Training. I think he was happy for his sister's, but he also wished he could trade them places--especially since they didn't really seem to care. I wasn't sure if this was a good thing for me to do or not, but while Amber was getting her Jedi Robe, she looked over at Jacob and his tears, I mouthed my hope that she would trade her brother, so that he could have the opportunity. She quickly shook her head, went directly to the Jedi Trainer, and asked for the trade. When the Jedi Trainer came for Jake, he was elated. Amber sat quietly on my lap with a contented smile on her face. I asked her if she was disappointed, and she agreed that it was a bit difficult to give up her spot, but that it was much better to see Jacob doing it. While we were hugging, and while tears were streaming down my face, Bryan left to get Amber a Churro. When he came back, he told her how proud he was of her kindness, and thanked her for being an "AWESOME" big sister to her little brother. I think the Churro solved any of Amber's disappointments. After the Jedi Training was over, several people from the crowd came and thanked Amber for her kindness. Some of them said they were also crying as they watched her give up her spot for her little brother. Some expressed that they hoped their children would learn from her example... I think this was the best experience of the whole trip--Amber being willing to show a greater love for her brother rather than for herself. I know I prompted her a bit, but she still chose to do it without hesitation, and in the end--she felt the joy of serving, and Jacob felt the joy of being served.

Jacob hugging his sister after the Training thanking her for giving up her spot. Hailey wished she had had the opportunity, and vowed to think of it the next time she had a chance to serve.

Met Sleeping Beauty on the way out of the Park...

We ended our day/evening at Disney's World of Color in California Adventure. We were told that we would get a little wet if we sat in the front--we were soaked.

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