Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 9; Sea World

We spent the entire day at Sea World. From Stingrays to Shows, and many animals in between--we enjoyed ourselves immensely. Sometimes I wish I could push a replay button for my favorite moments or days. This was one of those days I wish I could replay. To hear Hailey's laughter as we first touched the Bat Rays, or watch Amber's awe as she touched the dolphins, or maybe Jacob's excitement over the sharks and whales would be absolutely fantastic. The whole vacation was a special memory. Perhaps, that is why it is so important to take the time to slow down once in a while. Too often I find myself so busy that I forget to enjoy the moments that are right here happening in my home. I pray every day to remember to tell my children how much I love them. Why do I have to pray for a reminder? I wish it was something that came naturally, because "naturally"--I do love them! I love them with all of my heart; however, in the hustle and bustle of life it is so easy to forget the most important. I read another mother's words recently in which she said that she would tell her children that out of all the ___ (fill in child's age) year-old's in the whole wide world, she would choose them (her children) to be hers. I was so touched by this simple sentiment that I decided to incorporate it into my home. In just a few days, I could see just how much this simple set of words meant to my children. Their faces lit up! They added bits of sentiments within my words like: almost 7 year-old's, and out of all the gymnasts... Each time I would begin to say, "Out of all the..." my children would stop and smile. I would most definitely get a hug, a smile, and if I was really lucky--I would get a kiss too. I am grateful for this lesson from a stranger. I am grateful for the everyday moments as well as the "replay" moments. I hope I can make those everyday moments just as magical as the extraordinary "replay" moments of Sea World. I am grateful we went to Sea World and had a chance to spend time with the MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE.


To feed the Bat Ray, we had to hold the fish between our fingers and allow them to suction it out. Sometimes the suction from the Bat Ray was stronger than comfortable. It was somewhat scary having our hands in their mouths'.

I love the progression of these photos. Hailey started out so excited; however, as her siblings each took a turn feeding, her face grew more and more concerned. She admitted that it scared her a bit; however, she was still willing to try.

I love Hailey's face!

Hailey doesn't even seem interested at this point.

At this point, Hailey gathers her courage, and chooses to feed the Bat Ray.


We enjoyed several rides while at Sea World. This was the only ride we captured on photo. My favorite ride was the Bat Ray ride!



Sea Turtle


Amber wasn't the only one to touch the dolphins; however, because of my angle--she was the only one with good pictures.


Jacob was excited to see the Sesame Street Heroes!


Hailey wanted to spend her own money on a face painting experience, and she was thrilled with her purchase!

After Sea World, we took a quick swim!

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