Friday, January 2, 2015


Happy New Year’s Continued…

For Day 2, we somewhat repeated Day 1. We started our day by playing our new favorite game, followed by sledding!

Jacob posing as a trick-sty player.

Bryan and Jake acting tough, and Amber being her cute self.

I wish I could articulate the fun that occurs when we go sledding. We spend hours competing for the longest run, and giggling at each spill or bump. We create new games, and competitions. We simply enjoy being together.

Excitement to begin with...

Fear Setting in...

Absolute Joy!

Amber taking a break from sledding.

Hailey thinking she had made the new "WORLD RECORD". (We really get into to things like that.)

I was a bit worried about going down the big hill. I never use to be afraid, but now my body hurts differently than it once did, and I was a bit nervous.

A run with my sweetie.

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