Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day
February 14, 2009
The girls and I wanted to surprise Bryan with a "heart attack" on his office door. Since he was sitting at his desk when we arrived at his work, we had to convince a good friend, Nick Tobler, to lure him away. Once he had been successfully lured away, we quickly attacked his door, and then we slipped into his office to await his surprised return! After a good laugh, we "kidnapped" him from all work! We ate a picnic in his work conference room, and then we hurried out to a matinee. After the matinee, we went miniature bowling. We had a fun-filled family day!
Heart Attack on Bryan's office door

Picnic at work

Hailey bowling
Amber bowling
Helping Jake bowl
Jake bowling


Angie said...

I have never seen miniature bowling before! Where do you go!?
Carrie - you're so good at creating special traditions with your family and showing your love for them. I love you guys!

Jana said...

Wow love your traditions and how you made it so easy for me to print off and do the same. I can't believe how much Hailey looks like you and Amber her Dad!

Carrie Miller said...

mom, i love what you do for us and our tradisoins we love you love,hailey