Saturday, August 30, 2014

One on One Date


What can I say of my little man that even begins to describe him? I am so blessed. Oh, so very blessed. When I speak of joy, Jacob is very much a part of that description. My little man is sincere, genuine, sweet, humble, kind, and endearing. As I mother him, I learn more about my Savior every day. When he was sent here to earth, Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed. He gave me a little boy that would pull on my heartstrings one minute, and a little boy that would keep me hopping the next. He gave me a treasure.

Chick Fil-A was having a "date knight" for mothers and sons this month, and we were lucky enough to take part. The tickets were $10 a piece. At first I questioned as to whether or not we should spend that much money to go to a fast food restaurant; however, after taking part in our "knight" out, we felt that our money was well spent. Chick Fil-A definitely did a good job in making their little restaurant something different than a fast food restaurant. Not only were we able to eat anything on the menu, but we were also given our own personal "knight" waiter (he was dressed as a knight) who was constantly checking at our table, we were also given a photo op with the famous Chick Fil-A cow, and we were treated to a limo ride--talk about good treatment! During our meal, there was a question card at our table, and I took the opportunity to ask Jake the questions provided. Here is what was said:

What does a boy have to do to become a Knight?
Listen to his mom--just like the Stripling Warriors.

Do you remember a time when you had to be brave?

Learning to ride my bike, and learning to swim.

If you had to hide something in a safe place, where would it be?

In the attic or crawl space, because no one goes there.

Who is the bravest person you know?

Me. (Meaning: Himself.)

What kinds of things can you protect me (your mom) or others against? 

Satan. I'll read the scriptures to you.

Is being a Knight just about fighting with a sword?

No. You have to fight Satan.

Would you rather have Super Strength or the Ability to Fly? 

Super Strength. I could then lift this whole building, but I would really like both.

Would you rather be a SPIDER for a week, or an ELEPHANT for a year?

I'd rather be a black widow for a week, because they are poisonous, but I wouldn't poison you guys.

Would you rather live on the MOON or UNDERWATER in the OCEAN?

The Moon. I would like to breathe in space.

Would you rather give up Candy or Ice Cream forever?

None. I don't want to do either.

Jacob was told he could order anything on the menu, so he chose a shake as his number 1 priority!

Limo Ride

Sitting by the "COW" in the LIMO

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