Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dahlberg Trip/Redfish Lake


Every year we try to do something fun with my sister and her family. We usually go to Featherville, but this year we decided to go to Redfish Lake. Redfish is absolutely breathtaking. On Thursday, we enjoyed a breathtaking hike, and simply playing around the campsite. On Friday a rainstorm hit, and we were too waterlogged to stay--we wished we would've stayed longer! Waterlogged or not--Redfish is one of my favorite places. Nothing compares to its beauty and peace. I love it!

The Mornings in Stanley are Freezing

Fourth of July Lake Hike

Jacob had a wart on his foot, so it took him longer to hike the trail. He was such a trooper hiking with a hurt foot. I didn't realize how bad his foot was hurting until I noticed him limping--he limped the whole way without complaining. My heart broke.

The kids had fun hiking up the stream once we got to the lake.

This makes my stomach lurch. Danner was dared by his brothers to eat a worm. He never actually ate it, because it was too hard to swallow, but he definitely attempted. YUCK!! Do all boys do this?

On the way back from Fourth of July Lake, I hiked with Jacob. He wanted to show me "HOW" to cross the stream on rocks. I loved my time with Jacob on this hike. We had so much fun bonding. I wished we could have hiked the whole day!



Danner and Dave took the canoe through the river to Redfish Lake

Cooper always holds his hands in a T-Rex fashion. We love it! We had to do it too!

We had to leave early, but it was such a fun trip!

Look at Jake's jeans!

We ended up leaving Redfish Lake earlier than we had planned. Our tents were wet, and many of our clothes. We enjoyed the time we had there, and we can't wait to return. Hopefully, next time it won't be raining so much.

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