Friday, April 25, 2014



Katie Ronspies asked if I could be her escort through the temple. Words cannot write my feelings as I think about escorting Katie through the temple. I can't seem to write the joy that is within my heart. I am honored to be able to help Katie in this capacity. I adore her. I love her. 

When I first met Katie, she was a young girl living in my ward. When Katie was nearly 11, her family moved away, and I lost track of them. A few years passed, and I was contacted by a dear friend who was looking for Katie and her family. She felt prompted that Katie needed to be located. She felt prompted to call me. My husband and I began our own search, and soon found that Katie was living in our ward. I was serving as the young women's president in my ward at that time, and I was thrilled to take the opportunity to visit a young woman and her family. I still remember showing up on her doorstep extending an invitation to her to come to young women's. I honestly wasn't sure how Katie felt about my arrival that day, or how she felt about the invitation. However, the following Sunday she and her brother started coming to our ward, and they never stopped. From that point on, I formed a relationship with this beautiful young woman. It always amazes me how much the Lord is in our lives. He does love us. He is aware of us. It wasn't coincidence that a friend of mine happened to contact me about Katie. The Lord had a hand in our meeting once again. I am thrilled that she will be serving the Lord in England. I am thrilled at the choices she has made in her life to get her to this point, and I am thrilled I have been able to be a part of that. The day of her endowment finally arrived, and I was able to escort Katie through the temple. It was a beautiful session. Katie was glowing with the Gospel. She was literally shining! I can't even count how many temple workers commented on her glow! She will be an amazing missionary.

After Katie went through the temple, her mom worked hard to be able to go through the temple prior to Katie's departure on her mission. I was also able to be at that Endowment session. It was such a moving experience. Again, I was grateful to the Lord in our lives.

Katie and I had always planned on getting a picture after her session, but we forgot. We took one after her mom's endowment. What an amazing family! I simply love them.

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