Thursday, October 8, 2009

September 12, 2009
We have a reward system at our house, where our children earn "rocks" if I catch them being good (i.e. serving one another, doing chores without being asked...). The goal is to fill a jar with rocks. Once the jar is full, the children pick an outing for us to do as a family. In September, the kids chose to go to ROARING SPRINGS. We all had a fabulous time! I can't wait until our next outing...KEEP EARNING THOSE ROCKS!!!

~ Jake anticipating the splash~
~Amber loving the splash~
Jacob loved the mat slide! I can't imagine how big it must have looked to a two year old, so I was so surprised when he agreed to ride. He seemed a bit nervous the first time, but he never veered from his determination to ride. After the first time down, there was no hesitation in the least! We rode this ride over and over again for at least an hour! Good times!
More Slide ACTION...


Jason and Jen said...

That pcture of Amber is so cool! I can't believe Jake rides down that slide...brave little boy! We do the fill the jar thing too, but we use beans.

Bryan said...

Dad clearly won the race on the mat slide!