Saturday, January 10, 2009

My friend, Allison Prince, wanted to teach her kids about giving to other kids this Christmas. She decided to sponsor a toy drive directed by her kids. Her daughters taught a free craft class for a donation of a toy. There was also a book drive, and -of course- Santa was ready for pictures for only a small fee, which was then later used to buy more toys for families in need! It was such a fun experience! I am so grateful to friends who constantly set awesome examples that I can (hopefully) follow. I am also grateful for Allison's inspiration on teaching kids about kids had so much fun picking out toys for kids in need, and then creating a craft (which they also gave to someone else). It was a great experience!
Painting our Craft!
Our Santa Picture
Jakey wasn't too excited about his chance to sit on Santa's lap...he was ready to get off as soon as possible!

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