Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Child's Reflections:
On the way to Jake's swimming lessons, Jake noticed someone building a home and we began discussing his reflections...
"Mom, what are people called who build homes?"
"I want to be a builder someday."
"Oh..., I thought you told me you wanted to be an astronaut, or a doctor."

A few minutes passed, and I was thinking our conversation was over, and then...

"Mmm...this is so hard."
"What is hard, Jake?"
"I can't decide. I want to do them all."
"Well, you don't have to decide today. You can wait a few years."
"No, I need to decide. It's just so hard."

His cute little face was scrunched into a face of pure concentration as if the world hinged on his decision. I was touched. Touched that he was so determined at such a young age to know exactly where he was going. I hope he continues that kind of determination. Just like Jake wants to become a builder, an astronaut, or a doctor...--I want to become everything my Heavenly Father wants of me. I want to remember Him in my daily actions, and be a Christ-like example. This is my greatest desire--I hope Jake comes to desire this as well.

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