Monday, October 26, 2015

Pumpkin Patch 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Carving Pumpkins


I love that the kids are getting old enough to create their own pumpkins. As each child came up with their own creation I walked around trying to capture the memory. I loved Amber's "Cookie Monster" creation, and I especially loved her absolute concentration as she painted and designed; I loved Hailey's "Lumos" creation--Harry Potter is definitely a favorite character; and, I loved that Jacob loves lots and lots of teeth--he is true boy through and through. I had to laugh as I noticed the girl's creating on the more sensitive side of Halloween while Jake created something scarier...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Family Pictures

Family Pictures
October 2015

Heather Sali did a phenomenal job on our pictures this year. I am so grateful to her and her friendship! Thanks, Heather!

"The most important work we will ever do is within the wall of our own home."
Harold B. Lee

"Family is the source of human happiness."
Boyd K. Packer