Saturday, September 5, 2015

Terry and Jolene Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

How blessed we are to have family. Family ties us together and gives us purpose. As we love and grow together, our hearts become something more. Just recently, my sweet little family had the opportunity to celebrate part of our beginnings as we celebrated Terry and Jolene's 50th Wedding Anniversary. As I watched Terry and Jolene, I was awestruck at how two people falling in love can create a cascade of events that bless and inspire. Because of Terry and Jolene, and the decisions they have made--they have created a legacy of love. And as each year passes to the next, each of us--their children, their in-laws, and their grandchildren grow and become better from the simple beginnings of the two of them falling in love. More than their love for each other; however, (and not to diminish that love) is what they have offered us through their testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their example, they have truly taught us in ways that are leading us to--not only become good people--, but to become all that God would desire of us to become. Yes, I am truly grateful for families. It reminds me of a primary song:

Our Father has a family. It's me!
It's you, all others too: we are His children.
He sent each one of us to earth, through birth,
To live and learn here in families.
God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be--
This is how He shares His love,
For the Family is of God.

As I have watched my two families--my family of origin and my husband's family--I have felt so blessed for the LOVE God offers me through the families I have been given. It is through these divine relationships that I am offered an opportunity to grow and to become. And now, as I look at my own family I am creating with my sweet husband, I desire to lead them in God's pathways, to help them become what He wants them to be. For after all, it is through our families that we can feel His love, and it is through them that we BECOME.

As we watched their wedding video, it was so tender to see their love for each other, and for us. As the tears rolled down Terry's cheeks, I felt grateful for this legacy.

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