Sunday, September 6, 2009

August 14, 2009
We were invited to go camping with some friends. It has been a long time since Bryan and I have gone camping. We always go to the cabin when we need a quick get away-it takes less prep work, and it is still in beautiful nature. However, this experience reminded me why I use to love camping! There is just something about sleeping in the great outdoors that brings feelings of peace, and love for family. I felt so connected to my family! I resolved that camping is one of those things that takes a ton of work, but is well worth it in the end.
~Tyler Fuhriman in Background; Starting from Front-Parker, Amber, Lizzy, Jackson, & Londyn~
~King of the Mountain~
Jacob loved going from tree stump to tree stump shouting, "king of the mountain"! He wandered everywhere...someone always had to have an eye on him, or he would wander completely away from camp.
~Jacob Wandering~
~King of the Mountain~
~The rest of us roasted marshmallows, but Jakey preferred eating marshmallow after marshmallow without taking the time to roast them.~
My kids were bundled! I brought a ton of blankets, coats, hats, snow name it--I brought it! When I checked the weather report, the nights were predicted to get into the 30's, so I wanted to be sure we stayed warm. In the middle of the night, I had to tuck Jakey in with me, so he would stay in his blankets, but that was our only difficulty with the cold weather! I got a few laughs, but in the end, we were all warm!
Amber and Hannah on the boat!
~Aubrey, Hailey, Ava, Hannah, Bryton, Jacob~
~Couple Shot~
~Group Shot~

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