Friday, May 4, 2012


Hailey participated in choir this year, and has absolutely loved it! She was able to sing a duet with her dear friend Elaina, she was involved in an ensemble, and she also sang a solo. All of these experiences have helped her in her confidence in singing.

This picture was taken on the evening of her final concert for the year. There was a moment during Hailey's concert where she was suppose to grab the hands of the kids on either side of her. On one side of her, there was a boy. Bryan and I couldn't control our laughter as Hailey looked at the boy, and refused to give him her hand. She was geniunely kind to the poor kid; however, we knew how mortified she was to be required to hold his hand. I was grateful that the boy seemed to be humored by the situation as well, and his feelings did not seem to be hurt. If only he knew what was going on inside my daugher's head...

Hailey does not want to hold hands with a boy for a very long time...she has confided these feelings to both myelf and Bryan several times. Bryan has convinced Hailey that boys do not wash their hands. A simple fact that grosses Hailey out every time the sacrament is passed in our ward. I am afraid Bryan has some explaining to do, but for now...I'm okay that she doesn't want to hold hands with a boy...that will change, and when it does--I know I'll be sad for the passing of childhood.

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