November 7, 2008
The San Diego Zoo was a whirlwind for us. We traveled from Anaheim that morning, so we didn't get to the zoo until about 1:30 (we weren't in much of a hurry); however, when we arrived we were told we only had 2 hours left to be at the zoo. With that information, we started our race. We ran from one exhibit to the next...making sure we saw everything, but not spending any time to "observe". I actually kinda liked it. It was my kind of zoo trip!
Family Picture (I missed Jakey every time we took a family just didn't feel complete.)
In our house, my husband has a loving "nickname" for me...weasel. Does that sound loving? Well, honestly, it is meant with love, and I actually like it after 10 years of marriage. Well, this nickname came about one Sunday afternoon when I was being completely innocent in asking my dad for a favor. My dad brushed me aside, and proclaimed that I was being a weasel. Bryan burst out laughing, and emphatically agreed with my father...well, ever since that day my husband has been calling me weasel. At first, I didn't really love it, but now I feel it is truly a term of endearment. Weird uh? Well, the whole point to this long story is to say that apparently my children have learned a few things from me about weaseling their father. This is a picture of Amber doing her "weaseling" of her father by begging to be carried. She did this all week! She would block his path of walking until he finally conceded and lifted her on his shoulders. We didn't entirely realize what she was doing until days into this whole then--she had successfully weaseled her father!
Mission Accomplished! Dad has been weaseled!
Why did you leave Jake at home?
Jessica, Hey I hope all is going good! It is good to hear from you! I haven't finished this entire blog post yet...I am doing it in sections. We went to disneyland as well, and we felt that he would do better with grandma! I hope things are good!!
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