Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jake's Baptism


Jake was baptized today. He was so excited and thrilled to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was such a sweet experience. Hailey and Amber did a musical number, and the spirit was tangible. Kalli gave a beautiful talk on baptism, and Hailey gave a beautiful talk on the Holy Ghost. 
 My parents cried through the whole thing explaining later that they felt Brandon's presence. I think I was too busy making sure everything was running smoothly that I didn't feel his presence, but I am grateful to know that he is still with us even after his passing.
 Jacob was absolutely glowing--his face was literally shining. He kept saying that he was so happy. When Jacob and Bryan went to get changed, Jacob kept saying to Bryan "Dad, I'm so happy. I am just so happy." Bryan said that he wanted to encourage him to hurry and change, but at the same time, he also wanted him to be able to bask in his happiness.
It was probably my favorite baptism service I have ever attended. I can't believe that Jacob is old enough to be baptized, but I am grateful he is now a member as he has a strong testimony.


Opening Song: "If the Savior Stood Beside Me"
Pianist: Amber Miller
Chorister: Michelle Critchfield

Opening Prayer: Easton Dahlberg

Baptism Talk: Kalli Bennett

Special Musical Number: "When I Am Baptized"
Hailey & Amber Miller

Baptism of Jacob by Bryan Miller
Witnesses: Terry Miller & Keith Elkington

While Bryan and Jacob change and prepare for the confirmation; we will be watching a video. We ask that we save talking until after the ordinances are complete.

Holy Ghost Talk: Hailey Miller

Confirmation of Jacob by Bryan Miller

Special Musical Number: "Armies of Helaman"
Jeff Miller, Tim Miller, Matthew Miller, Truman Critchfield, Bryan Miller, & Jacob Miller

Closing Remarks: Bishop Lowry

Closing Song: "I Am a Child of God" pg. 301
Pianist: Hailey Miller
Chorister: Michelle Critchfield
Closing Prayer: Eric Elkington

I just asked Jake what he thought of his big day, and he said, "It was a spiritual day."
Aunt Shaura gave Jake a white towel to represent being clean.

After the baptism, we had a dinner for our family and friends:


My dad always seems to use this face when I am taking a picture of him. Too funny...

I love Roxanne.

Rox and Kalli

Michelle and Dave

Aunt Annie saved Hailey's barbecued skirt.

Piper and Hailey

Me and Pam

The Horton's

The Haskell's
...and then to the movies

Jacob was adorable at the movie. I was so touched by his desire to stay "clean" after his baptism. There was a picture of an evil looking clown that bothered him. I noticed he was bumping into things while walking with his head down. When I asked him  about it, he told me of the clown and his desire to not see the picture again. I quickly picked him up, and told him that I would be his eyes. I thanked him for his desire to choose the right.

This is Hailey's fabulous talk on the Holy Ghost:

Jacob, today I’d like to speak to you about a special gift you are receiving today. I brought this beautiful gift that will help you and I discover just what kind of gift the Holy Ghost offers to each of us.
(Then she pulled items out of her gift box to represent each thing.)

Stop Light
The Holy Ghost is like a stop light in our life. A red stoplight tells us to stop. The Holy Ghost can also tell us to stop when we are unsafe, or need to repent. A yellow light means caution. Just like the Holy Ghost can tell us to stop, it can also warn us if we are in danger physically or spiritually. Last year, one of my teachers showed a movie in class that made me uncomfortable. I felt prompted by the Holy Ghost that I should leave. Because the Holy Ghost prompted me and because I listened, I stayed safe. Just like the Holy Ghost can warn us to stop, or caution us, he also can tell us when something is good. A green light means go. The Holy Ghost shines green as we “go and do the things the lord hath commanded”. It’s the Holy Ghosts job to guide us to truth, testify of Jesus Christ and bear witness of Heavenly Father. Jacob, when you went to temple open house you felt the Holy Ghost. Mom wrote in her journal that you said, “I feel my soul”—that was the Holy Ghost testifying truth to your heart. Listen carefully to the red, yellow, and green signals from the Holy Ghost—they will guide you.

Another gift that the Holy Ghost offers us is the gift of comfort. In D&C 88:3 it states, “Wherefore, I now send upon you another Comforter, even upon you my friends, that it may abide in your hearts, even the Holy Spirit of promise” I brought a blanket to represent how the Holy Ghost can comfort us. As we wrap ourselves in a blanket, it’s much like how the spirit can warm our hearts. When Uncle Brandon died, I felt pain that I had never felt before. I prayed asking Heavenly Father to help me get through the trial of losing him. One particularly hard day, I found myself crying and praying to the Lord for help. It was then that I felt an overwhelming sense of peace wash over me. I could feel the Holy Ghost’s present. I remember thinking that Uncle Brandon was happy, and I should be too. And although, I am still struggling with Uncle Brandon going to heaven, I can feel comfort through the Holy Ghost.

Book of Mormon
The Holy Ghost will teach us truth. In Moroni it says, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” As we pray, it is through the Holy Ghost that we receive our answers. As we choose the right, we receive direction through the gift of the Holy Ghost. As I read my scriptures, and go to the temple, I feel the Holy Ghost, and my testimony is strengthened, and I know that what I am doing is pleasing to God.

In Doctrine and Covenants 8:2 it says, “Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.” (D&C 8:2) The Holy Ghost guides us in our minds by giving us impressions or thoughts, or he can guides us through our hearts. I remember one time I prayed to ask if the book of Mormon was true, and I didn't hear a huge booming voice from heaven tell me it was true, but I felt it in my heart telling me that what I was reading was true. It was sure. I knew it. I couldn't deny what I felt.

Elder L. Tom Perry has said, “We need to live worthy of the continued companionship of the Holy Ghost and have the courage to follow the promptings that come into our lives.” The Holy Ghost can’t direct us unless we are inviting him to do so. We need to live worthy of his gift, and then have the courage to listen; otherwise, we can’t expect his companionship. We choose whether or not his gift is a part of our lives. We choose whether or not he will act as a stoplight, a comforter, or whether he will testify truth to our hearts by how we live.

I have two pop cans here to illustrate what the spirit can do to us if we allow it to fill our lives. If we push away the spirit, we can easily cave to the devil’s temptations that surround us. As I try to crush the empty can, it bends and smashes, because it is not filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. When I try to smash the can that is filled with the spirit, it does not bend or crush in on itself, but is strong against the power of the adversary. Every day we are faced with temptations, if we choose to live without the spirit, we will crushed by Satan’s temptations; however, if we have the spirit to guide us, we can resist those temptations—just as we saw with these two cans of pop.

I know this church is true. I know that as we search for the spirit in our lives we will be blessed with strength to overcome any trial or temptation. I know that the Holy Ghost is one of the most sacred gifts Heavenly Father has given us. President Woodruff said, “You may have the administration of angels, you may see many miracles; … but I claim that the gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift that can be bestowed upon man.” Jacob, I want you to know that I have found peace, love, safety, and comfort in trials through the Holy Ghost. I know the decision to get baptized and receive the Holy Ghost is the right choice. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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