Saturday, November 15, 2014

Soccer Party


I wish I had taken pictures of my beautiful decorations. There were lights strung in between mason jars. The mason jars had rickrack tide to the top and poking out of each jar was a cute straw for drinking efficiency. There was as plate tower filled with food; there were carrots and celery in clear cups ready to be eaten... The party looked awesome, and I didn't take one picture. How am I suppose to remember my awesome ideas without any pictures? 
Truly, though...besides not taking the pictures that I should have taken--the soccer party was a big hit. These girls truly love each other. They had so much fun playing Catch Phrase, Apples to Apples, and watching a girly movie. Giggles and laughter filled our home. We are so grateful for this team. It was a great party to end a great season--I can't wait until next season!

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