Friday, January 3, 2014


Because I serve in the Stake Young Women's, we stayed in Boise for the New Year's Eve Stake Dance, and then we went to Featherville to continue our celebrations!

I created a countdown of activities for my kids to do while I was at the Stake Dance.

Jason Gray is a stars on Studio C. He is also the son of the YW Stake President . Because he was in town visiting his parent's, he decided to come to the Stake Dance with his mom. My kids are huge fans so when I saw him at the dance, I called them to come and meet him. (Hailey's friend Kyah also came along as she was at our house.)

The kids searched for hours to find ice patches for sliding.

Never EAT Yellow Snow

There was solid ice on the sides of the river. The center of the river was still flowing, but all of the sides were frozen solid. We played for quite some time on the river banks. While playing, I found a patch of ice that wasn't as solid as the rest. I knew it didn't look as sturdy, but... I just had to see for myself. 

Sliding on Ice
We thought we were so funny as we took pictures of us jumping toward the river. It provided for great entertainment.

It seemed that we wanted to fall into the river, because we spent so much time finding weak spots in the ice, and jumping through.


At first we didn't think there was enough snow for sledding; however, we still thought it would be worth a try...


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