~BOOK of MORMON Celebration Party~
January 10, 2011
After Hailey, Bryan and I completed reading The Book of Mormon, & Jacob and Amber completed reading The Book of Mormon Reader, we celebrated our accomplishments with a party! We had five different Events throughout the evening:
Event 1: Lamanite Headbands (so we could pretend we belonged in the Book of Mormon story)
Event 2: Lamanite Pie complete with candlelight (I wander if they had candles back then???)
Event 3: The Miller Family Title of Liberty/Creed
Event 4: Book of Mormon Charades
Event 5: Nephite Banana Boats
Along with all the fun activities, we had a spiritual side to the evening as well. Bryan and I were able to bear testimony of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. We testified of the power it had in our lives, and how we knew that through reading The Book of Mormon, we have gained a stronger testimony of Christ, and we have become better people by living by its teachings. We also watched a video that testified of Christ. My kids were so excited about their accomplishment. They had a fun evening in both gaming and spirituality. It was definitely a family bonding experience, which we can't wait to repeat!
January 10, 2011
After Hailey, Bryan and I completed reading The Book of Mormon, & Jacob and Amber completed reading The Book of Mormon Reader, we celebrated our accomplishments with a party! We had five different Events throughout the evening:
Event 1: Lamanite Headbands (so we could pretend we belonged in the Book of Mormon story)
Event 2: Lamanite Pie complete with candlelight (I wander if they had candles back then???)
Event 3: The Miller Family Title of Liberty/Creed
Event 4: Book of Mormon Charades
Event 5: Nephite Banana Boats
Along with all the fun activities, we had a spiritual side to the evening as well. Bryan and I were able to bear testimony of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. We testified of the power it had in our lives, and how we knew that through reading The Book of Mormon, we have gained a stronger testimony of Christ, and we have become better people by living by its teachings. We also watched a video that testified of Christ. My kids were so excited about their accomplishment. They had a fun evening in both gaming and spirituality. It was definitely a family bonding experience, which we can't wait to repeat!
Event 1: Lamanite Headbands
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