Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I am leaving to Paris today!!!!! I am so very excited!!! What a trip!! I am going to have the time of my life! I am definitely excited, but I am also a bit sad.... Not the kind of sad where I want to cry, but the kind of sad where I already miss my family. Last night as we were saying family prayers, my sweet little boy climbed up on my lap and started to cry. Through his tears, he begged me to stay home. He cried for a good ten minutes saying all the while, "don't go mommy, don't go!!" Bryan and I reassured him that I would be home very soon, and with lots of pats and hugs and kisses, he finally calmed down. This morning both of my girls hugged and kissed and cried as they said good-bye's. I will miss them, and to be honest, I kinda love that they will miss me too... As I was kissing my oldest good-bye, I told her to keep an eye out for messages from mom. I promised her that they would appear at random, so (while I am suppose to be getting ready to leave) I am writing this post. Through my blog, I will be sending messages to my family. I am not sure how often I will be able to write, but I can't wait for Hailey to find the first post!!

I already miss each and every one of you!! I am so excited to see the sights of Europe, yet I am also anticipating holding each of you in my arms once again! As I leave, I am carrying you in my heart! I will think of you as a venture through Europe, and I will think of ways to make you just as much a part of this trip!
Jakey--I MISS YOU, DUDE!! I love you!!! Be good, and go in the big boy potty while I am gone :)!
Girls--be good to your daddy. Give him lots of hugs and kisses...he is going to need all the love and help you can give him!!
Daddy--oh, how I miss you!! I love you so much!! I am already anticipating seeing you in a week. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful and kind. I will never be able to express to you, in words, how I feel. You make me whole. You are my other half. Perhaps that is why I feel only half of myself as I venture on this trip of a lifetime. I will be thinking of you every moment!!!! I love you with all of my heart! Can't wait to see you again!

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