October 11-12
We had a fabulous weekend! It all started with a phone call from grandma saying she was in town. My girls were thrilled! Amber was so excited that she couldn't hardly wait until we saw grandma. She kept insisting that I call her and figure out her exact location. I kept reassuring her that we would see grandma soon, but none of my reassurances seemed to calm her excitement. When grandma finally arrived, she insisted on taking us out for lunch. Amber chose the Olive Garden after I pleaded for no hamburgers. We then rushed to Hailey's school to kidnap her for lunch!
Grandma and the girls at the Olive Garden!
Jacob insisted on getting out of his high chair. I was a bit worried by my decision to allow it, but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. He stayed right next to the high chair completely content.
All three kids at the Olive Garden!
Our next big adventure for the weekend occurred the following day when Hailey was involved in both soccer and swimming. When soccer began this season, we questioned whether or not to allow Hailey to play. She was already in swimming, and she really wanted to continue swimming until the October swim meet in Idaho Falls. Grandma and Grandpa Elkington live in Idaho Falls, and she wanted them to be able to see her swim. I can't really say what finally convinced me to allow her to participate in two sports. Maybe it was her love for both of the sports.... (She is constantly asking me if it is okay that she LOVES soccer and swimming the same. I always answer in the affirmative, which satisfies her until the next time.)
Saturday morning began with a soccer game, which started promptly at 9:00am, and a swim meet, which also started early; however, we signed up for later swimming events so that we could make both soccer and swimming. We really wanted to be able to attend both sporting events, so Hailey could support both of her teams. Honestly, it really wasn't too difficult to make it to both events...thankfully they were both in the Boise area.
Hailey played a ton of soccer! We had told her coach earlier that we would be unable to attend the last two games, so he decided to give her some good playing time! I started getting worried toward the end of the game that she was getting too much playing time. She really gave 110%!
Here is Hailey ready for the pass!
When Hailey wasn't playing in the game, she was pounding the grass, jumping up and down, and screaming for her team--it was so fun to watch! She was really excited about the game!
We were so cold!!! Grandma, Jakey and I bundled up with layers of blankets and coats. The weather in Boise had definitely turned cold. Bryan made hot chocolate before the game, and I held the container of hot chocolate throughout the game just to keep me warm. I was really grateful that he was so thoughtful!
Here is Jakey bundled for the cold weather!
Amber and Grandpa were buddies throughout the entire game! They kicked a soccer ball for a while, and they even went on an "adventure". (I'm really not sure what kind of an adventure...that's just what Amber told me.)
When the soccer game ended, we rushed our little family away from the freezing tundra, and into our warm car. Halfway to the swim meet we got a phone call from my friend, Melissa, whose daughter also competes with Hailey in swimming. She informed us that we had about 20 minutes before Hailey's it was literally a race to the race. We made it to her meet within minutes of her first race. She first swam the backstroke, and she did a fabulous job. It was her first time competing in this stroke, and she surprised us all with her speed. Her second race was the butterfly. The butterfly is not her favorite stroke--she has always struggled a bit with the techniques; however, she looked like a pro on Saturday. We were so excited for her! Her third race was the breast stroke, which "use" to be her least favorite stroke. Neither Bryan nor I really know what happened, but it is now Hailey's favorite stroke. Whenever she is given a choice to choose a stroke at swimming lessons, she always chooses to swim the breast stroke. She has finally figured out the techniques of the breast stroke! In her heat for this stroke, Hailey placed 2nd, which really is an accomplishment. Finally, Hailey's last race was the freestyle. This stroke is "old hat" to Hailey. She loves it! She also did a fabulous job with this race...she improved her time by 10 seconds. WAY TO GO HAILEY!
This is a picture of Amber and Kailey. Kailey and Amber have been friends since we started swimming lessons at the Meridian pool. They are like two peas in a pod. Amber loves Kailey!
This is a picture of Taylor and Hailey right after their first race. Taylor is Hailey's good friend on the swim team. Taylor and Kailey are sisters, and their mom is my good friend, Melissa. This sweet family has really made an impact on our family. We are going to miss them when we take our break. (Hailey will be swimming in one more meet, and then we are taking a break...we will miss our friends!)
Jacob peering through the bars!
Jacob, Amber, Hailey, and Taylor posing for a cute picture!
Jacob was so funny! Hailey kept cheering for her team mates by placing her hands up by her mouth and shouting for them...well, Jakey thought it was a good idea. He copied her over and over again. He couldn't say what she was saying, but he gave it his best shot!...OUR LAST STOP--LUNCH! Grandma and Grandpa treated us to lunch at pizza hut. We are truly grateful to them. They took such good care of us while they were here. We do not know how to thank them enough for their generosity and love. They truly blessed us by their presence.
Jacob kept insisting on feeding Bryan.
Grandma, Grandpa, and the girls at Pizza Hut. (I think Grandma and Grandpa had just as much fun coloring as my children did.)
Wheww...busy Saturday! I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it when my 3 kids are pulling me in 3 different directions with all of their sports. :)
Busy weekend that ran right over the best football game of the year! Some dads really sacrifice for their families.
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