When I think of Amber so many things run through my head, as those things filter in and out...I find that I am smiling. She is my ray of sunshine--she brings me great joy! I am so blessed to have this princess grace me as her mother.
In accordance with tradition, here are the SIX reasons we love you, AMBER BAMBER, so very much:
~Your smile brightens any room!
~You are always thinking of ways to make others happy! (...she comes home from school and reports on a daily basis how she has tried to make another feel special. She is very good at recognizing when someone needs a friend, and being that friend.)
~You are always trying to do what is right!
~You have an uncanny ability of making others laugh! (Where did that wit come from?)
~Just having you around brings great joy to our hearts!
(Amber and I have a tradition. I am not sure that either of us really realized we were creating a tradition, but somehow amidst the chaos of school, we created a tradition between the two of us. It's a tradition that doesn't happen every day. It is something that is not planned. It is actually a spontaneous tradition; however, it remains a tradition simply by how often it seems to occur, and when it does occur it makes my heart sing! So..., you may ask what this tradition could possibly be? Well, one day as Amber was running towards me, I spread my arms wide, and unknowingly signaled to Amber my deepest desire for a big hug, which she then telepathically knew that my open armed stance meant she should run and jump into my arms (which, she of course did), and then I spun her around and around with her cute little arms wrapped tightly around my neck, and her cute little legs squeezing me in the middle. Ever since that day of way back when...we have continued to do it! We both know each other's signals, and I am sure that we both look forward to our shared moments of delights! Moments that are signaled because of happiness, sadness, or simply by the need of a hug. For whatever reason that spurs on this tradition, I hope it keeps coming, because I know I will miss my little-armed-bear hug if or when it stops! And while it continues...my heart sings at the mother and daughter love we share!)
~You notice when you can make a difference, and you do it! When Jacob needs a friend, you step in. When Hailey needs a hug, you give her that! ...and because you do, you and Hailey share a special relationship! (I may profess that I do not want the two of you talking, and those professions are somewhat true, but I do have to say that it makes my heart happy to see the two of you talking, listening, and laughing together at night...it's the amount of time that you do it, that gets you into trouble:)
Our celebration for Amber's birthday started on Saturday, because her birthday was on a Sunday, and we had some items of "fun" on our list that involved miniature bowling and dinner!
Here we are bowling as a family:
When I think of Amber so many things run through my head, as those things filter in and out...I find that I am smiling. She is my ray of sunshine--she brings me great joy! I am so blessed to have this princess grace me as her mother.
In accordance with tradition, here are the SIX reasons we love you, AMBER BAMBER, so very much:
~Your smile brightens any room!
~You are always thinking of ways to make others happy! (...she comes home from school and reports on a daily basis how she has tried to make another feel special. She is very good at recognizing when someone needs a friend, and being that friend.)
~You are always trying to do what is right!
~You have an uncanny ability of making others laugh! (Where did that wit come from?)
~Just having you around brings great joy to our hearts!
(Amber and I have a tradition. I am not sure that either of us really realized we were creating a tradition, but somehow amidst the chaos of school, we created a tradition between the two of us. It's a tradition that doesn't happen every day. It is something that is not planned. It is actually a spontaneous tradition; however, it remains a tradition simply by how often it seems to occur, and when it does occur it makes my heart sing! So..., you may ask what this tradition could possibly be? Well, one day as Amber was running towards me, I spread my arms wide, and unknowingly signaled to Amber my deepest desire for a big hug, which she then telepathically knew that my open armed stance meant she should run and jump into my arms (which, she of course did), and then I spun her around and around with her cute little arms wrapped tightly around my neck, and her cute little legs squeezing me in the middle. Ever since that day of way back when...we have continued to do it! We both know each other's signals, and I am sure that we both look forward to our shared moments of delights! Moments that are signaled because of happiness, sadness, or simply by the need of a hug. For whatever reason that spurs on this tradition, I hope it keeps coming, because I know I will miss my little-armed-bear hug if or when it stops! And while it continues...my heart sings at the mother and daughter love we share!)
~You notice when you can make a difference, and you do it! When Jacob needs a friend, you step in. When Hailey needs a hug, you give her that! ...and because you do, you and Hailey share a special relationship! (I may profess that I do not want the two of you talking, and those professions are somewhat true, but I do have to say that it makes my heart happy to see the two of you talking, listening, and laughing together at night...it's the amount of time that you do it, that gets you into trouble:)
Our celebration for Amber's birthday started on Saturday, because her birthday was on a Sunday, and we had some items of "fun" on our list that involved miniature bowling and dinner!
Here we are bowling as a family: